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A Wound Up Cat and Other Bedtime Stories

A Wound Up Cat and other Bedtime Stories

A Wound Up Cat and other Bedtime Stories

A little chapbook about writing I actually created and had published in Toronto because I had some gigs in creative writing or poetry-in-the-schools at schools and even a couple of universities. I might still find a copy, there are actually two copies available on Amazon at the moment, see how to order, below. Nothing world-shaking, but geared, as Real Toads is, to encourage young writers (and old).

The individual poems are reprinted in and from other bigger collections.



For autographed copies, order directly from the Author:
Lisa would love to hear from you as well, letters and comments and reviews most welcome. To purchase books, please include Title of book, price, and $1.50 postage and handling for single orders, plus $1.00 for each additional book on order. Send inquiries, check or money order payable to Elisavietta Ritchie, addressed: Elisavietta's Books, 11450 Asbury Circle #320, Solomons, MD 20688




Elisavietta Ritchie
11450 Asbury Circle #320, Solomons, MD 20688