Elisavietta RitchieElisavietta Ritchie Newly Published Books
Books Literary Activity Journalism Advice to Poets Poetry Biography Translations Clyde's Site

My Literary Activity

See the individual categories for more information about Elisavietta Ritchie's perennial literary activities.

Washington Writers Publishing House

Several years after her winning manuscript of poems RAKING THE SNOW ​was published, she was designated president of WWPH in the days when it published only poetry. In 1999 a competition was held for fiction manuscripts, and her manuscript IN HASTE I WRITE YOU THIS NOTE--: STORIES & HALF-STORIES was a winner. For lack of anyone else available, she and her co-winner Laura Brylawdki-Miller become co-presidents for fiction. Elisavietta continued to serve as president for a decade, until newer winners were available to take the leadership.

Wineberry Press
Wineberry Press originally created to publish an anthology of poems by ten Washington-area participants in Macomb Street workshops.

Creative Writing/Memoir
Creative Writing/Creative Memoir long-running free workshops at Calvert Library, Prince Frederick, Maryland.

Splendid Wake
Splendid Wake created to honor deceased poets in the Greater Washington area

Poetry in the Schools
Poetry in the Schools frequent programs in schools to encourage students in the creative arts, especially to write their own poems.

Journalism in the Bay Weekly
Journalism freelance articles over the years for the Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, Washington Post, and currently the Bay Weekly.

2014 News and Events!
Read my news from 2014 by clicking on this link.

2015 News and Events!
Read my news from 2015 by clicking on this link.

Elisavietta Ritchie's 18 books and chapbooks include Feathers, Or, Love On The Wing; From the Artist's Deathbed, a chapbook in anthology Ashes Caught on the Edge of Light: Ten Chapbooks; Cormorant Beyond the Compost; Real Toads; Awaiting Permission to Land; Spirit of the Walrus; Arc of the Storm; Elegy for the Other Woman; Tightening The Circle Over Eel Country (Great Lakes Colleges Association's "New Writer's Award"); Flying Time Stories and Half-Stories. Raking The Snow and In Haste I Write You This Note: Stories and Half-Stories were contest winners, Washington Writers' Publishing House, a not-for-profit collaborative press where she subsequently served as president first for the poetry and then for the fiction divisions.

Individual stories & poems in various journals and anthologies. New collections in progress. She writes, edits, translates, teaches creative writing to adults and students. Visit Elisavietta's biography page to learn more...

Elisavietta RitchieLisa's Connections
Elisavietta's poetry and prose have connected her with many programs and associations over the years. Below she shares the websites of several of the publications whose editors have been particularly hospitable:

The Broadkill Review

Innisfree Poetry

Readers Index

Washington Writers' Publishing House

Christian Science Monitor

The Writer's Center

The American Scholar

Little Patuxent Review

The Ledge Magazine

Poetry Foundation

Montgomery College's Potomac Review

Canadian Woman Studies Quarterly
[Canadian Woman Studies is a feminist quarterly which was founded with the goal of making current writing and research on a wide variety of feminist topics ...]

Confrontation Magazine

The New York Quarterly

Kalliope, A Journal of Women's Literature & Art


other links of interest:



Elisavietta Ritchie
11450 Asbury Circle #320, Solomons, MD 20688
— contact Elisavietta Ritchie via email —